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Constitution and By-laws


(Revised 2007) (Revised 2016)


Article I - Name


The name of this organization is the Watkinsville Garden Club.


Article II - Purposes


The purposes of this club are to:

  • Promote the love of gardening among amateurs.

  • Protect our native trees, wild flowers and birds.

  • Encourage civic planting and develop civic beauty.

  • Promote educational opportunities in horticulture.


Article III - Membership


Membership in this club is open to anyone from the area interested in gardening and in garden club work: with three types of membership: Active, Life and Honorary.


Active: Those who participate in the club's activities, attend meetings regularly, and pay dues.


Life: Those outstanding members whom the club wishes to recognize for faithful, continuous and outstanding service to the club over a long period of years. Life members pay local, state, and national dues.


Honorary: Those persons outside the club's membership whom this club wishes to recognize nationally or internationally for achievement in fields relating to gardening or to garden club work; those who have contributed to this club through their interest, friendship, and loyalty. Nominations and elections are handled in the same way as stated above for nominations to life membership.


Article IV - Dues


Dues are payable in advance during October, November, December and January. Dues not paid by Feb. 1 are in arrears. The dues of the club may be changed upon the recommendation of the executive board if passed by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting, provided the membership has been given a 30-day notice of such a proposed change.


Article V - Meetings


This club shall meet on the first Thursday of each month. March through June and September through February. Special meetings may be called by the president or the executive board when necessary, provided due notice of such meetings, including the purpose for which they are called, is given each member.


Article VI - Officers and Qualifications


The officers of this club, to be elected biennially, shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Historian. 


Qualifications: A person must have been an active member of the club at least six months in order to be eligible to hold office.


The President shall be eligible to serve two (2) consecutive terms and not be eligible to be re-elected to the office of the president until after a period of two (2) years. 


Article VII - Duties of Officers


President: Presides at all club meetings, all executive board meetings and performs such other duties as are necessary for the functioning of this club.


Appoints chairman, except for the auditing committee, of the standing committees listed in Article IX and biennially appoints a nominating committee.


Signs all official communications of this club unless this responsibility is delegated to others.


Supervises all official communications of this club unless this responsibility is delegated to others.


Supervises the work of the club members, checking with the treasurer relative to the prompt handling of the reports, club bills and dues.


Has a signature on file at the bank(s) where this club carries its account(s).


Is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.


Delivers all official records to the successor by May 1.


First vice-president: Acts for the club in the absence of the president.


Is coordinator of the programs, club projects, club activities, and the yearbook committees, working closely with the committees.


Is responsible for the yearbook, working with the yearbook committee.


Second vice-president: Acts for the club in the absence of the president and first vice-president.


Is responsible for the current scrapbook, working with the scrapbook committee, seeing that it is kept up-to-date.


Secretary: Records and keeps correct minutes of all meetings of the executive board and of the club, and prepares a brief summary of business transacted to be read at the next meeting of the club.


Assistant secretary: Will execute all communications of the club as requested by the president, executive board, or club membership and act as secretary in the absence of the secretary.


Treasurer: Receives and deposits all club funds in the club's account in the bank(s) approved by the executive board.


Pays promptly all items previously budgeted and bills for unbudgeted items after their approval by the executive board and the membership.


Signs checks for the disbursement of funds for the club. In emergencies or in the treasurer's absence checks may be signed by the president.


Sends reports to state and national headquarters on time, along with a check for dues. 


Keeps an up-to-date list of members and makes it available to the board and to the club membership as directed by the board.


Reports to the executive board when members' dues are in arrears and notifies such persons.


Serves as a member of the Ways and Means Committee.


Assistant Treasurer: Performs the duties of the treasurer in the event of absence or disability of the treasurer and such other duties as shall be assigned to him or her by the president.


Parliamentarian: Is to keep informed on the club constitution and parliamentary procedure and be available for consultation regarding it at all meetings of the board and of the club. Chairs the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.


Historian: Keeps yearly a written, accurate, up-to-date record of the activities of this club which are significant as a part of its history and is responsible for the preservation of all club records.


All officers are responsible for turning over all official records of their offices to their successors prior to May 1.


Article VIII - The Executive Board


The officers and immediate past president of this club constitute the executive board.


The president is its chairman, and the secretary records the minutes of its meetings.


The purposes of the executive board are to:


Foster the objectives and ideals of this club in line with its constitution and policies.


Conduct the routine business of the club and direct its business affairs.


Designate the bank(s) for deposit of the club funds. Approve the budget and make recommendations to the club membership for vote.


Authorize the appointment of standing and special committees chairmanships, except as otherwise provided for in this constitution.


Appoint an auditing committee, consisting of two members to review the financial records of the club at the end of the year and as needed.


Article IX - Committees


The chairman of the following standing committees are appointed by the president, with the approval of the executive board, for a term of two years.  Each chairman is responsible for the activities of his or her committee, and all except the nominating committee chairman select club members as needed to serve with him or her.  The president is an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and each chairman notifies the president of all meetings of the committee.


Each chairman calls a meeting of his or her committee within 20 days after appointment to form tentative plans of work for the year, including a budget if needed. Committee plans and budget items must be approved by the executive board.


All activities of special importance affecting the general policies of the club must be submitted to the executive board for approval.


Duties of the committees:


Activity Committee: Responsible for study groups, flower shows, etc., with yearly plans of work under the supervision of the first vice-president.


Auditing Committee: Two people appointed by the executive board to review the financial records of the club at the end of the term.


Constitution and Bylaws Committee: Is responsible for keeping the constitution and bylaws up-to-date and handles any changes or amendments. The parliamentarian is chairman of this committee.


Chaplain: Opens the regular meeting of the club and such other times as requested with an inspirational period, or designates someone else to do so.


Garden Therapy Committee: Is responsible for any activities in this area as directed by the president or the executive board.


Hostess Committee: Secures the hostesses for each regular meeting or any other meeting as directed by the president or the executive board. A list of names of hostesses for each club meeting shall be given to the yearbook committee for listing in the yearbook. Any hostesses who cannot serve must notify the committee chairman.


Membership Orientation and Name Tags Committee: Assists the membership with member orientation and is responsible for name tags at each meeting.


National Gardener and Books Committee: Contacts the members of the club for subscriptions to the National Gardener magazine. Handles orders for books when requested to do so, reviews the quarterly issue and issues brief reports on pertinent articles to the club.


Nominating Committee:  Prepares a slate of officers for this club as set forth in Article X of this constitution.


Program Committee:  Plans and carries out programs for the club year.  The first vice-president is chairman of the committee.


Projects Committee:  Proposes projects to the club through the executive board and prepares a committee budget to be approved by the Ways and Means Committee.  Proposals are subject to the approval of the membership.


Publicity Committee:  Holds responsibility for handling the publicity for all regular and special club meetings and special events, to be carried in the newspapers including coverage in the upcoming events columns.  When advisable, publicity material is prepared for use in other media.


Scrapbook Committee:  Compiles all material needed to keep the scrapbook up-to-date.  If the club wishes to enter the scrapbook in state or national competition, it is the responsibility of this committee to  prepare it for such competition, according to the rules of the competition.  The second vice-president supervises the work of this committee, working with the scrapbook chairman and the publicity chairman.


Telephone Committee:  Contacts the members of the club when requested by the president, the executive board or the club membership.


Ways and Means Committee:  Is responsible for any fund raising events necessary to support club projects.

The club treasurer must be a member of this committee.


Yearbook Committee: Working with the first vice-president, compiles and has prepared for distribution all necessary material for the yearbook.


Any other committees that are necessary for the functioning of the club.




Nominating Committee: A nominating committee of three members of the club is appointed by the president, biennially at the September regular meeting. Serving on the nominating committee does not disqualify any otherwise eligible candidate for the office. 


The nominating committee presents a slate of officers for election at the March regular club meeting, biennially. The chairman of the nominating committee is responsible for verifying the nominee's qualifications.


Elections: Nominations may be made from the floor, provided the nominated candidate has given prior permission for nomination.


If there is more than one nominee for any office, the vote will be by secret ballot. The president appoints three club members whose names do not appear on the ballot as tellers to collect and count the ballots.


If there are no nominations from the floor, the slate of officers prepared by the nominating committee, may be declared elected by a motion from the floor.


Eligibility of Officers: Any officer may succeed him or herself one term (for a total of 4 years service).


Vacancies in Office: Vacancies in the office of president or first vice-president shall be filled for the unexpired term by automatic advance of the vice-presidents, in respective order.


Vacancy in the office of treasurer shall be filled by the assistant treasurer. The executive board shall recommend a replacement for assistant treasurer subject to the confirmation by the members at the next meeting. Vacancies of other officers shall be filled by the executive board subject to confirmation at the next meeting.


Installation: The officers and the Membership Committee elected by this club for a two-year term at the March meeting in the odd-numbered years will be installed at the April regular meeting and will assume their duties at the May regular meeting.


Article XI - Conventions and Delegates


This club will be represented at each district meeting by the president and as many delegates as wish to attend, each with the exception of the president or designated alternate, paying his or her own expenses. Registration, lunch, and mileage expenses for the president will be paid by the club.


This club will be represented at each state convention by the current president or alternate in case he/she cannot attend, with the club paying registration fee, meals, lodging and transportation. 


The delegate is expected to attend all convention sessions, unless prevented by unforeseen circumstances.  The delegate is expected to make a report on convention proceedings to the club.


Article XII - Amendments


This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the club members present, provided the following requirements have been met:


The proposed amendment(s) shall have been submitted in writing to the chairman of the constitution and bylaws committee, who in turn submits the amendment(s) to the executive board for approval.


The amendment(s) shall then have been submitted in writing to each member present at the next regular club meeting for study. After 30 days, the vote shall be taken.


This club shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, in all cases to which they are applicable and in any cases which are not otherwise defined.


Article XIII - Dissolution of Club


Upon the dissolution of the club, the executive board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Club, dispose of all the assets of the Club in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at that time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the board shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of General Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Club is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.













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