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2020 Azalea District Awards


The Dollie T. Harper Outstanding Member Award

Shirley McCorkle was presented with the Outstanding Member Award by the Azalea District of the Garden Club of Georgia (2020).


The Ellen Schneider Goodrich Outstanding Garden Club Award

This award is given annually to the most outstanding garden club in Azalea District as determined by the District Director. The WGC shares this award this year with Spade and Trowel Garden Club.


The Suzanne Wheeler Bees, Birds, and/or Butterfly Program Award

The Monarch Project at the Junior Garden Club of Rocky Branch Elementary School won this award for its activities in the past year. The WGC shares this award this year with Pine Tree Garden Club.


The Betty Davis Membership Award

This award is given to the garden club that has added the most members to the club in one year.


Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Winners

First Place Winners: Jonathan Lockamy (Grade 5) and Sean Kong (Grade 2)

Second Place Winners: Drew Martin (Grade 5), Charlize Sherrer (Grade 3), and 
Elina Boosalis (Grade 3)
Third Place Winner: Lena Steinkamp (Grade 4)
Honorable Mention: Megan Miller (Grade 5)


2019 Garden Club of Georgia Awards
First Place Award (large club category): Public Relations
The Garden Club of Georgia gives this award to a member group that promotes good public relations with one or more non-member organizations based on a co-sponsored project that promotes garden club goals in areas such as horticulture, conservation or environmental concerns.
First Place Award: Scrapbook--Category 1 Traditional
Second Place Award (large club category): Butterfly Conservation (Junior Garden Club)
This award is given to recognize a comprehensive and effective project on butterflies, such as habitat protection, public education, or establishment of a butterfly garden at a school or community site.

Civic Improvement: 3rd in large club category

This award is given to a club for civic improvement projects, such as landscaping grounds of public areas.


Website--3rd place, large club














Historical Awards


Recognized by the State Garden Club of Georgia for roadside development in the front of the Watkinsville Cemetery.


Mrs. Maybelle Porter awarded the Poetry Award.


Awarded four ribbons at the Athens Fall Flower Show.

Blue Ribbon - Mrs. Frank Elder

Red Ribbon - Mrs. Phil Campbell

White Ribbon - Miss Florine Stovall

White Ribbon - Mrs. W. B. Hale


Honorable Mention for the beautification of Courthouse Square from Garden Club of Georgia.


National Council State Garden Clubs “Branched Out Award” for increased                         membership.


National Council State Garden Clubs “Civic Improvement Award."


National Garden Club - Citation for net membership increase for 2005-2006.


Azalea District - First Place in the Sylvia Gibson Award for Most Outstanding Improvement Award for landscaping the High Shoals Post Office.


Azalea District “Certificate of Achievement” for Publication Award for the WGC Newsletter.


Garden Club of Georgia - 2006-2007 Outstanding Achievement Awarded to

Shirley McCorkle for her diligent work for the Azalea District Youth on Smokey the Bear and Woodsy Owl projects.


The Azalea District for the formation and activities of a Youth Garden Club.


Azalea District - Ellen S. Goodrich Award for most outstanding garden club.


Garden Club of Georgia - $1,000.00 scholarship awarded to Bradley Hix, Landscape Architecture School Student at the University of Georgia.


Garden Club of Georgia awarded Virginia Wells 2nd Place for the district newsletter “The Azalea Trumpet,” which she produced.


Garden Club of Georgia and National Garden Club – First place for “The Azalea Trumpet” produced by Virginia Wells.  The award-winning newsletter was displayed at the National Garden Club Convention in 2011 in Washington, DC, at a display called, “What Makes a Winning Newsletter?  Other Clubs Want to Know.”


Garden Club of Georgia – Standard of Excellence Award for the WGC accomplishments in district, state and national projects


Azalea District - Katherine Stewart Allen Award for youth activities awarded the Watkinsville Junior Garden Club the Katherine Stewart Allen Award. 


Garden Club of Georgia and National Garden Club – First place for “The Azalea Trumpet” produced by Virginia Wells.The award winning newsletter was displayed at the National Garden Club Convention in 2011 in Washington, DC, at a display called, “What Makes a Winning Newsletter?  Other Clubs Want to Know.”


Azalea District - Junior Garden Club received the “Standard of Excellence Award.”


Garden Club of Georgia – Arboreta, Botanical Memorial Gardens 2011-2012


Garden Club of Georgia – Honorable Mention:  Yearbook Award


Garden Club of Georgia - Second Place Scrapbook Award       


Garden Club of Georgia – Standard of Excellence Award for the WGC accomplishments in district, state and national projects


Garden Club of Georgia – Honorable Mention:  Yearbook Award


Garden Club of Georgia – Newsletter Publication Award.


Garden Club of Georgia - Second Place Scrapbook


Garden Club of Georgia – Standard of Excellence Award for the WGC accomplishments in district, state and national projects.


Twenty members were awarded Backyard Wildlife Habitat Certificates from the Wildlife Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.


Garden Club of Georgia - a “Patron of Scholarship” Award in honor of Ellen Vaughn


Garden Club of Georgia Honorable Mention - Yearbook


Garden Club of Georgia - Second Place Scrapbook


Garden Club of Georgia - Newsletter Publication Award.


Garden Club of Georgia – Standard of Excellence Award for the WGC accomplishments in district, state and national projects.


Azalea District


Silver Tray for "The Suzanne Wheeler Bird and or Butterfly Gardening Program Award" donated by Bob Wheeler


Silver Tray for "The Katherine Stewart Allen Youth Activities Award” donated by John Allen.


Silver Tray for "The Edell Raburn School Grounds Improvement Award” donated by the Green Acres Garden Club.


Garden Club of Georgia


Standard of Excellence Award for the WGC accomplishments in district, state and national projects.


1st place - Horticulture Achievement Award & trophy, "Gardening with a Purpose" Rocky Branch Elementary School.


1st place - Scrapbook, Azalea District and Overall State Winner.


2nd place - Garden Therapy.


2nd place - Publications, Brochure.


3rd place - School Grounds Improvement.


3rd place - National Garden Week.


Honorable Mention - Civic Improvement, Oconee County Library.


Honorable Mention - Civic Improvement, Watkinsville City Hall (raised beds).


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